This month’s newsletter includes:
The next meeting of the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District Board of Directors is scheduled for:
Wednesday, November 16, 2022
from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time
Join the Zoom meeting here.
Or call 1 408 638 0968 and enter Meeting ID: 847 8906 0820 Passcode: 972086

For questions, contact manager@sflcd.org.
View: the agenda, minutes of past Board meetings.
MPX Vaccines – Shots Given @ Eagle Plaza

During September and October, the District lobbied the city to have MPX vaccination popups at the Eagle Plaza - 408 MPX shots, 34 COVID boosts, 33 flu shots were delivered. Learn more here.

- Congratulations to the District’s first Entrepreneur Training Program cohort which graduated in September!
- The District launched a training program for community members interested in launching or building up a business that serves or operates in the District.
- The next cohort starts in late January. For information or to apply, click here.

In October, the District helped the Exiles overcome a bureaucratic roadblock so that they could resume operating as a 501(c)3 non-profit in good standing.

- A multi-location indoor holiday market!
- Saturday, December 10, 2022
- Includes:
- Art and Artisan Fair
- 12 noon – 5 pm
- SOMArts, 934 Brannan Street (between 8th and 9th)
- Free admission, optional donations accepted
- Gift Wrapping Station
- Free wrapping for gifts bought at all Holiday Market locations
- Special "Shibari Bondage" wrapping and other options available
- Naughty Santa and Fun Surprises!
- Some booth space still available; sign up here!
- San Francisco Fetish Flea
- 11 am – 5 pm
- Wicked Grounds Annex, 289 8th Street
- $5 admission
- Leather Etc.
- 10% off when you mention "Holiday Market"
- Wicked Grounds
- Coffee, kink, and community!
- Other Event Locations!
- Watch for updates here!
- Free continuous shuttle between locations, noon to 5pm
- Want more info, to add an event, or to volunteer? Contact manager@sflcd.org.
- Join us for an hour of kinky, literary fun on the Second Thursday of each month, from 8 to 9 pm.
- Our next episode, on December 8, will be a special Holiday Edition.
- Find full info and Zoom link on our website or on Facebook.
- Hosted by award-winning author Sumiko Saulson.
- View past shows at our Erotic Storytelling Hour Archive.

- Diamond Wave presents the second-annual THEYFRIEND Festival,
- Uplifting, centering, and celebrating nonbinary identity!
- Held during Transgender Awareness Week, at various locations throughout San Francisco.
- Includes the THEYFRIEND Featured Showcase:
- Thursday, November 17, at 7 pm
- At KQED, 2601 Mariposa St,
- And the THEYFRIEND Nonbinary Happy Hour:
- Friday, November 18, 5-7 p.m., at OASIS (298 11th St, San Francisco)
- In partnership with Oasis, the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District, and Realest Exposure
- Find full festival info here.

- Check out the new items in the Cultural District online store!
- We offer mugs, pillows, and t-shirts, tank tops, and hoodies in a range of sizes and colors!
- All items made to order and shipped directly to you!
- All purchases benefit the LEATHER & LGBTQ Cultural District.
- Shop here.
- Join the Cultural District now!
- Membership is $15 (dues waiver available for financial hardship).
- Click here to join or renew.
- Do not share this link with others; it has been customized for you, and will expire in 7 days.
- For assistance, please contact manager@sflcd.org.
- Help keep SOMA Kinky & Queer; Make a donation today!
- Your gift helps keep our kinky places and spaces in SOMA, and supports community events, performances and public art.
- Thanks!
- Tell your friends they can sign up to receive this newsletter at sflcd.org/signup.
- Please use the social media links below to follow, repost, retweet, amplify, and share everything we do!
Thanks for reading! Stay kinky!
584 Castro Street #140
San Francisco, CA 94114
United States